Years ago Stardock had a product that would keep track of the installed software and download it in the background according to settings and start up with Windows but startup 'minimized' to the taskbar.
Although this Object Desktop Application is nice it is so annoying that it cannot be started minimized like that other product did. It starts and sits on the desktop like a big fat sore thumb and gives no indication that it can even be minimized. Clicking the minimize button only minimizes it to desktop not the task tray. Clicking the close button actually minimizes it to the task tray and leaves it running. This is poor design as a novice user may not know that it's in the task tray.
There should be a way to start the product and have it directly minimize to the task try like the other product used to perform, unless of course there is a command line parameter and can be added to the startup to make it minimize to the task tray which there doesn't appear to be at least not that I have been able to find.