Published on December 17, 2012 By MichaelG In Fences

I thought there was a feature in Fences to hide the labels under the desktop icons?!  I recently had all of the text labels hidden on my desktop without having to use that Rename -> ALT+255 hack.  That method works but is lame.  I know I did it with some piece of software or a registry change.  Does anyone know how this is done with the registry or a piece of software from Stardock that does it?  I tried that lame software Desktop Icon Toy - lame - didn't work...  So any ideas, suggestions, solutions... Thanks.

on Dec 17, 2012

Window FX will do the job !

on Dec 18, 2012

Thanks for the info.  I was racking my brain trying to figure this out.  I even have Windows FX running and didn't even check the desktop icons tab - duh...  My desktop looks so much cleaner without having all the labels all over the place.  Thanks again.